LaTobiya's Personal Fitness Program

                                    Components of Fitness

                                                                                     Guiding Questions

What is the difference between health-related and skill-related physical fitness?

Health-related fitness helps prevents disease and should be a concern by everyone, regardless of age, and skill-related physical fitness isn't required and it's not necessary to have but it improve your performance.

What are the health-related components of physical fitness?

flexibility,body composition,muscular endurance,muscular strength, and cardiovascular endurance

What are the skill-related components of physical fitness?

power,agility,reaction time,balance,and speed

Why does a person not have to be a good athlete to be physically fit?

Everyone doesn't have to be an athlete in or order to be physically fit just by taking alot of steps a day you can be fit.

Why is it important to know your current level of health-related fitness?

Everyone should know because it's important to know where you stand when it comes to your health. If you don't know your current level of  health-related fitness you could die from not knowing.